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Ekaterina Romanovna Zinina

Light Engineering, Robotics, Early Development School, Advanced Development School

Sergey Viktorovich Bedin

School of Informatics, 3D Modeling, CAD Design, Programming Languages, Analytics and Testing

Konstantin Sergeevich Perezhogin

School of Informatics, "Video Blogging," "Fundamentals of SMM and Target"

Anastasia Alexandrovna Kolbasova

Light Engineering, Robotics, Early Development School, Advanced Development School

Veronika Sergeevna Glukhikh

"Adobe Bitmap PhotoShop"

Irina Rostislavovna Gonchar

"1C: Enterprise 8.3. Practical development of accounting from the very beginning. " Revision 3.1., "1C: Enterprise 8.3. Use the Enterprise Accounting configuration (user modes). Revision 3.1.

Maxim Viktorovich Gerasimenko

Web Development, Python, School of Informatics

Vladimir Sergeevich Bogatyrenko

Web development, GSHI, MS Excel, Internet technologies

Alexander Vladimirovich Skiba

Counter-Strike Global Offensive

Elena Alexandrovna Dykova

Internet technologies

Pyotr Vladimirovich Shulepov

Autodesk Revit Building Information Modeling

Zhanna Grigoryevna Beshentseva

Microsoft Excel, Power Point

Igor Olegovich Komar

Course Photographer

Marina Alexandrovna Gracheva

Human Resources Management

Vitaly Valerievich Tyutchenko

Internet technologies

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